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Open to the public:
Wednesday -Thursday
11 am : 4 pm
+02 33466144

 Cairo, Egypt
3 El-Batal Mohammed Khairy, Gazirat Mit Oqbah, Giza, Giza Governorate



Shehayeb C O N S U L T is a Private Firm founded in 1949, Professor Dina Shehayeb is the current firm principal since 1998. The firm’s focus is in the field of research-based design and planning, community-based urban development and guidelines, integrative urban design, housing and neighborhood upgrading. The firm is distinguished for the diversity of its output and the interdisciplinary nature of its expertise, including applied research projects, design and planning projects (rehabilitation/ upgrading/ new communities/ housing/ public space), guideline manuals, architectural programming, community mobilization and participation, special user needs, baseline surveys, Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE), impact assessment, training (city officials, NGOs, practitioners), publications, workshop and symposia organization, study trips, advocacy and awareness raising tools (policy briefs and working handbooks), heritage documentation and dissemination, international advising and reviewing. These outputs are implemented nationally and internationally.




Shehayeb CONSULT’s library covers a variety of books, maps, magazines as well as academic and professional publications, theses and reports that benefit those who are interested in research and urban practice. The Library involves media/publications related to:


Urban Design

Architecture Design

Housing Theory, Practice & Policies

Informal Housing and Urbanism

Islamic Architecture and Urbanism

Environment & Behavior Studies

Environmental Psychology

Culture & the Built Environment

Gender Studies

Cairo & Egypt studies

Global & Local (Egyptian) Codes & Guidelines

UN Habitat Publications