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Open to the public:
Sunday -Thursday
8:00 am to 5:30 pm
Tel : +962 6 4612377
Fax: +96264612380
Mob: +962795173131 - 96777687

  Amman, Jordan
73 AL Mutanabi Street. 4th Circle
P.O. Box 83 07 46 Amman 11183 Jordan

ABOUT Consolidated Consultants Group


Consolidated Consultants Group {CC Group}

CC Group is a leading multidisciplinary architecture and engineering consultancy firm, operating across the Arab world, Africa and Central Asia.


CC Group provides a comprehensive range of services (design, construction management and supervision, and specialized studies) in the areas of: Architecture; Urban Design and Master Planning, Roads, Bridges and Tunnels; Transportation and Traffic; Water and Wastewater; Hydrological Analysis and Hydraulic Structures; Environmental Studies.

ABOUT Jafar Tukan Atelier

The legacy of Jafar Tukan Atelier and its namesake pioneer architect, are a pillar of CC Group. As architect and leader, Jafar Tukan put his indelible mark on CC Group’s design standards and corporate culture.
Today this standard of excellence in architecture continues through the team behind Jafar Tukan Atelier.
Based on Tukan’s architectural school of thought and pioneering work around the region, the atelier continues to create iconic works tailored to the cultural and environmental uniqueness of the region.



ABOUT Jafar Tukan Library


Jafar Tukan Library serves today’s professionals and tomorrow’s innovators in the fields of architecture, design and engineering. Founded in 1984 as a regional reference center for architecture and design it boasts an impressive collection of books, periodicals, technical reports and local and international codes.

Housed at the head offices of Consolidated Consultants Group in Amman, Jordan, architects and university students enjoy having these resources at their disposal to aid them in their studies and professional development. Subject areas include architecture, interior design, urban design, art, planning, landscaping, construction, and Islamic art and architecture.

Jafar Tukan Library has acquired an excellent reputation in the region, in part due to the impressive range of literature available and in part due to the quality of this literature. The selection of books, reference materials and articles is constantly being developed and improved in order to keep up with the advancements in the architecture industry.